Ministry of Railways of China, City of Shanghai
Delivered in 2006
ECADI Associés - MaP3 - Emmanuel Livadiotti

Shanghai South train station reinvents the connection between train and road transport modes while the round shape of the building ensures operating fluidity. A flagship project by AREP.

The round shape of the building connects trains and road transport modes smoothly and provides passengers with the shortest possible walking distance to the waiting areas and platforms. When one stands inside the building, the entire space is visible: the different functions and circulations are readily legible, from the parking areas to the trains.

The translucent, light-weight roof stretches over 60,000 m². It is composed of three layers: solar shades on the outside, transparent polycarbonate sheeting and perforated metal on the inside, which all combine to filter and diffuse the natural light. All the areas are lit by lamp posts laid out according to a precise and well-thought pattern. AREP took into account the symbolic aspect of this specific architecture by incorporating the concepts of Chinese cosmology: the round shape symbolizes the sky and the square – the waiting area – represents the earth.

Shanghai train station

Toulouse-Matabiau station
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