SNCF Réseau and SNCF Gares & Connexions
Delivered in 2021
Territoires Landscape Architects (landscape) Setec Bâtiment (engineering)

Thermal comfort, water management, use of local materials, biodiversity preservation, solar car ports.

The Nîmes-Pont-du-Gard train station brings together all of our commitments.

The building appears behind the trees in a Mediterranean garden. Around the station, local tree and plant species lead the way to the entrance of the station. Inside the building, a large canopy takes over from the trees to protect the travelers. The building is composed of three layers of thermal protection and light filters. On top, inclined sunshades protect from excessive light. On the underside, a bamboo cane ceiling provides subdued lighting that evokes the shady atmosphere of the South.

The transparent glass skin enhances the legibility of the station’s organization: vertical circulations, services and facilities, connections between the different modes of transport, including bicycles and electric cars, and between the existing regional train line and the new high-speed line.

Soft light, generous spaces, bio-sourced and earth-sourced materials, such as the local stone of Brouzet, natural ventilation and light-weight structures such as the connecting walkway built like a suspension bridge. Most of the car parking spaces provide a solar canopy with 8,000 m² of solar panels.
The linking platform overlooks the landscape and offers both a view of the Nîmes hillsides to the north and an unimpeded view of the Costières. The arrival at the station allows to quickly grasp the particularities of the site.

The combination of all these elements makes passengers’ movements easier and more fluid and provides a enhanced passenger experience.

  • Sustainable buildings in the South of France

Consommations tous usages (MWh ef /an) : 410
Production renouvelable (MWh/an) : 1 600

Consommations tous usages par m² de SdP ( kWh / m² SdP) : 93
Production renouvelable ( kWh / m² SdP) : 364


Matériaux issus de réemploi (t) : 30 000
Matériaux bio- et géo-sourcés (t) : 167
Bois (t) : 45
Pierre (t) : 122

Matériaux issus de réemploi par m² de SdP ( kg / m² SdP) : 6 818
Matériaux bio- et géo-sourcés ( kg / m² SdP) : 38
Bois ( kg / m² SdP) : 10
Pierre ( kg / m² SdP) : 28


Eges PCE (tCO2eq) : 14 000
Intensité carbone par surface de plancher ( kgCO2eq / m² SdP) : 3 182
Intensité carbone par voyageur ( kgCO2eq / voyageur) : 23,73


Albédo (%) : 0,22


Surfaces végétalisées et/ou perméables (m²) : 100 000
Arbres de haute tige : 610
Dont Arbres de haute tige existant conservé : 220

Taux de surfaces végétalisées et/ou perméables (%) : 48%
Nombre d'arbre par Ha d'emprise projet : 29

Nîmes-Pont-du-Gard train station

Toulouse-Matabiau station
Read more about the project