SNCF Gares & Connexions, AQTA
Delivered in 2021

The Auray station, a station for both daily commuting and long-distance travel, was entirely designed by the AREP teams to open the building up to the city and recreate the links between two municipalities.

Modern, resource-efficient, and functional, the new Auray station displays simple and sleek building volumes and planted areas while featuring a limited number of colours and materials (steel, timber, glass, yellow granite, etc.), in keeping with the landscape and heritage of the area. The creation of a new 100-metre-long footbridge connects two municipalities (Auray and Brech) providing people from both sides with a direct access to the station. This new connection has transformed a previously unused area into a car park and a secure bicycle shelter.

The station has been sized to handle the seasonal flow of passengers travelling to the Quiberon peninsula and is expected to accommodate 1.4 million passengers per year by 2030. Auray station is also the first station in Brittany to have a BIM digital twin thanks to the expertise of the AREP teams.

Auray train station

Toulouse-Matabiau station
Read more about the project