Flexible and with open-ended roles, AREP’s organization is first and foremost client oriented. We tailor our teams and expertise to the expectations of our clients and to the specific nature of each project and assignment. At every scale of operation, our teams question practices and challenge conventional thinking to help our clients work towards a post-carbon future.

Responsive and agile, our employees demonstrate their multidisciplinary approach and know-how which sits at the intersection of conception, mobility, and regional planning. With AREP, clients can be assured of design continuity across the spectrum of design disciplines involved in the development of a project.

For AREP, every new project becomes an opportunity for interaction and exchange of ideas. With humility, we are willing to learn from those who experiment with alternative new ways of doing things and who break down the boundaries associated with the traditional typologies of production. AREP considers itself as a catalyst, an incubator of this ecosystem, a laboratory fostering interaction, particularly with small structures at the forefront of ecological and social issues. To build a post-carbon future, we need to look at every source of inspiration! We have come together to create exemplary projects, which meet the current needs of its users. This commitment is reflected in five key principles that are at the heart of our design method:

  • Collaborative enthusiasm.
  • Focus on uses and people
  • Time and cultures
  • Space and forms
  • A post-carbon future driven by economic sobriety.


Céline Portaz, Director of development for France

Céline studied at the Ecole Olivier de Serres, then worked in architectural practices and in different companies. She joined the Design team at AREP and participated in various projects, particularly the new stations on the Rhine-Rhone high-speed line, the Paris-Lyon, Paris-Montparnasse, and Lorient stations. In 2020, Céline joined the senior management team to lead the development of AREP in France.

Luc Néouze, international Director

A trained architect, Luc studied at the Paris Val de Seine School of Architecture and at the London Metropolitan university. He is an expert in city transformation and in the design and renovation of complex multimodal hubs. Luc was AREP’s international design coordinator before leading the development of our subsidiary in China with Xing Xing Jiang. Throughout his career, he has been deeply involved in some of AREP’s emblematic international projects (Turin Porta-Susa, Shanghai and Bolancheng train stations…). Luc is currently AREP’s international director.

They trust us : 

Agglomération de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Agence publique pour l’immobilier de la justice, Auray Quiberon Terre Atlantique, Banque des Territoires, BNP Paribas RE, CAUE de Haute-Savoie, Cœur d’Essonne Agglomération, CFF (Chemins de fer fédéraux suisses), Communauté d’agglomération du Grand Annecy, Communauté d’agglomération des Grands Causses, Communauté d’Agglomération de La Rochelle, Communauté urbaine du Grand Reims, Commune de Villejuif, Conseil Départemental de Guadeloupe, Conseil Départemental de la Seine Saint Denis, Crédit agricole immobilier, CY Université, EPA Marne, Gecina, GPS&O : Grand Paris Seine & Oise, Grand port maritime de Marseille, Melun Val de Seine Aménagement, Métropole d’Aix-Marseille-Provence, Métropole de Bordeaux, Métropole européenne de Lille, Métropole de Lyon, Office de l’Urbanisme de Genève, Préfecture de Police de Paris, Quartus, Radio France, Rectorat de Mayotte, Région Occitanie, Saint-Brieuc-Armor Agglomération, Réseau des Acheteurs Hospitaliers (RESAH), Sem Breizh, SNCF, SNCF Gares & Connexions, SNCF Réseau, SNCF Immobilier, SNCF Voyageurs, SPL Ensemble, SPL Vallée Idéale – Amiens, Société du Grand Paris, Régie des transports de Marseille, Sogaris, Soléam, Tisséo, TPC – Transports Publics du Chablais, Université de la Réunion, Urbanéra, Ville de Bobigny, Ville de Bourges, Ville de Champigny-sur-Marne, Ville de la Riche, Ville de Libourne, Ville de Lyon, Ville de Marseille, Ville de Paris, Ville du Pré-Saint-Gervais, Ville  du Port (La Réunion), Ville de Saint-Denis-de-la-Réunion, Ville de Saint Dizier, Ville de Saint-Etienne, Vinci Immobilier.

Our projects